Gallery photo editor magnify details

I'm looking for a similar feature or even an 3rd party app which provides a magnifying feature to enhance details in photos like the iOS/Mac OS build in function in photos. It's pretty easy to use and flexible as you can define the size of the framed area and within that area then zoom the picture to its desired size. Any idea is welcome...


enhanced withy markup magnifier


Praktische Ratschläge und Lösungen zu deinem Problem:
    So you want a 3rd party app with that you can cropp into your already existing Pictures?
    Or do you want to magnifying during making a Photo???
    On my 21ultra, there is a existing Widget a simple Magnifying tool, see Screenshot.
    Didn't you have this one in your widget options???
    I didn't even know that this Because it was just lying around there!!!
    But if you want it to wake with 22 watch in your Widget options that you already exist on your Note 20 ultra

    I think he would like the enlarged image to be sharp.
    And then he asks if there is an app/software that makes this possible.
    He wrote that he need a magnifying feature, not to Sharpen....perse!!
    Er möchte da etwas ähnliches haben wie bei dem Apple OperationSystem, das da schon eingebaut ist, nur ist es ja nicht der Fall beim Note 20, oder ultra keine Ahnung welches er von beiden hat.
    Und das Foto Schärfer lässt, aber trotzdem reinzoomen lässt, so dass er nichts an Qualität verliert.....
    Alright, so want an editing App, let me search real quick for you alright...
    This one is called "Photodirector" I use it almost everyday, the guys who built that App had also Built a very good Video Editing programming tool for Android called :
    "Powerdirector/ Aktiondirektor
    I have them, and I'm pretty happy with all three of them.
    Im hoping that I've be able to help you pal.
    And if you have more questions, dont hesitate to ask here.
    Have a nice Sunday :great:
    You're welcome pal.✌ :great:
    And if you are satisfied with this solution, then you could mark one of my comments as a Accepted solution.
    But only if you want to, and no worries, I will still help you after this anyway!!!! ;) *1f643.png*
    Kind regards, Kastjel
    Englisch ist nicht jedermanns Sprache, zumal ich selber erst mal kurz nachdenken musste, wobei ich die Sprache gut beherrsche.
    Aber bei mir liegt es wahrscheinlich daran dass ich insgesamt.... drei Sprachen fließend spreche*1f642.png*
    Ich bin da eher der hoffentlich vergeigt es der Translator nicht*1f648.png*‍*2642.png* :rofl:
    To all of you...thx for the suggestions I did try them and have to say they are pretty powerful with their tools yet non of them provided the feature I was looking for. As I'm a stubborn guy I did search around and found this app "Screen Master" here which has that magnifier feature even it is not that powerful as the one from "pear" *1f642.png* link to playstore
    The main difference is that the "pear" one provides the ability to set the frame size (blue dot) and the zoom (green dot) within the frame. Screen Master let's you define the zoom area which goes along with the frame size...yet I'm happy with this app as it got this magnifier feature.

    Edit mode pear

    Result pear

    Edit mode Screen Master

    Result Screen Master

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